Monthly Archives: July 2013

Tumblr users can go die in a fire.

Tumblr users, I dare say, are stupid, derpy, and illiterate. Their blogs, 100% of the time, consist of images with no captions, no origin credits, no mention of photographer, and no mention of background story on any given image. It’s as if they have zero ability to string a few words together to form sentences.  It’s essentially the digital equivalent of point and grunt.

During a random wandering on the interwebs, I came across a picture of a rooftop with windows that look like eyes. This is the picture:


There are many questions.

This image, what is it?
Is it real?
Is it Photoshopped?
If real, where is this house located?
Who designed this house?
Who lives in that house?
Why was the rooftop built like that?
What’s up with the eyes? Was it intentional or accidental?
What’s the back story?

Of course, the Tumblr post has no accompanying text to explain this picture. *Rage_Guy_FFFFFUUUUUUUU.jpg goes here*

Praise be to Google image search which lead me to this Facebook post.

Since I can’t read Portuguese, Google translation revealed that the rooftop with the creepy eyes is located in the city of Sibiu, Romania.

HUZZAH! That’s all I wanted to know. Now I can finally do a real Google search for “roof eyes Sibiu Romania”.

The existence of these rooftop eyes have been confirmed:

Now I know that one of those structures with the rooftop eyes is called the Haller House:

The Hecht House is another structure with those creepy eyes. ^_^

But damn, it took me some 15 minutes to uncover the real story behind that aforementioned picture. For this, Tumblrs users can go die in a fire.