Tag Archives: meme


For many years I thought and believed that the schizophrenic neighbor who lives in the apartment below me was single, because I assumed no one would want to hook up with such a mentally unstable person.

She’s crazy.  She’s the “I can hear the toilets flushing and it’s making too much noise” kind of crazy.  The “I can hear voices through my walls” type of crazy.  The “your air conditioner is too damn loud, turn it off RIGHT NAO” crazy.  The “could the handyman stop making all that racket!” (on a repair job during regular business hours) crazy.  The 7:30 type crazy.

Then this morning I learned from condo management that Ms. Looney Tunes have a husband.
A husband?
Yes, and management had met him in the flesh. Apparently he’s just as nutty as she is.
So he’s not a figment of Ms. Looney Tunes’ imagination.  Not “Drop Dead Fred” nor “Foster’s Home” imaginary.

Well, I’ll be damned.  And impressed.
People consider me to be mentally balanced by conventional standards and I can’t even land a fucking date.  The secretary at management has the same problem in the romance department.  She and I are quite baffling mysteries to our friends who think we should’ve been hitched long ago.  We were told by various folks that we’re good people and yet Looney Tunes manages to find someone to marry.  She and I will be collecting cats in our old age.  I could only laugh at the cruel cosmic irony of it all.  Not really.  I’m laughing more at my erroneous assumptions about Looney Tunes’ marital status.  Ok, maybe a bit of both.

Hello, my name is Kieran and I am FAAF.  I can’t get away from it and there is nothing I can do but embrace it.  Wholeheartedly.


The 30/20/15/10/5 years ago meme

30 years ago:
I was 9/10 years old in 1984. It was a good year for music. Culture Club, Duran Duran, Dead or Alive, and Van Halen were some of my favorite bands. I couldn’t quite get the hang of Michael Jackson’s moonwalk.

20 years ago:
I was 19/20 in 1994. I was in a crappy minimum wage job that paid $4.50 per hour. I had to take a break from college after my sophomore year to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. I returned to school in 1996.

15 years ago:
I was 24/25 in 1999. I was still in school working on my bachelor’s degree. I found some work doing web development. I haven’t moved out of my parents’ house yet. I think the American music scene has started to go downhill.

10 years ago:
Year was 2004. Several months ago, I graduated from college and got my BA after six years of juggling a full time job and part time school. My coworkers threw me a surprise party for it. I started to take up aikido. I also joined a local chapter for the No Kidding group.

5 years ago:
Year was 2009. I was still dealing with the fallout of an illness that sneaked up on me in 2007. I was on the track to graduate school when cancer came along and completely derailed my plans. Fuck you cancer.

2 years ago:
Nearly ten years after my getting my BA, I finally made it back to the classroom. ohai mental torture.

1 year ago:
I went on medical leave from work and school for 3 months to get gutted like a fish. Much to everyone’s disappointment, doctors declared me cancer free. I now have scars to show for it. I hear chicks dig scars.

I was at the Coffee and Tea Festival with my sisters.

Just another day at the cube farm.

Cube farm and then school.